Straits Area Audubon Society

Cheboygan * Topinabee * Levering * Indian River * Mackinaw City * St. Ignance 

Cheboygan Christmas
Bird Count

The 40th annual Cheboygan Christmas Bird Count, conducted in cooperation with The National Audubon Society, sponsored by the Straits Area Audubon Society, was conducted on Dec. 15, 2024 by volunteer bird watchers. Counting occurred from 8am to 5 pm. It was cloudy with the temperature about 34 F., with winds at 8 to 12 mph. from the east. There was about 4 inches of snow on the ground. The small ponds were frozen; Lake Huron, Mullet Lake and most of the Cheboygan River and the Black River were open.

The count covers a circle 7.5 miles in radius, centered at the junction of M-33 & old 27. There were 10 field counters, with the circle divided into 4 areas. Each group walked or drove around their assigned area to count all the birds they could find; with an additional 5 people counting the birds at their bird feeder. Participating in the count were: Steve Baker, Jerry & Michelle Borowicz, Jim & John Bricker, Susan Emerson, Patricia Esther, Dale Giddings, Jack & Oliver Kew, Glen Matthews, Karen Martin, Ed Pike, Bruce Seeger, and Janet Trudeau.

Fifty one species of birds were counted with a total of 2,948 individual birds. This is above average number of species and below average number of individuals for the count (average number of species recorded is 47 with 3,178 individual birds). Two species that have expanded their range north since the count started are: Tufted Titmouse which first appeared in 2002 and has been recorded each year since, and Red-bellied Woodpecker which first appeared in 2006 and are now regularly seen. Trumpeter Swan numbers in this area continue to increase since their reintroduction at Seny National Wildlife Refuge a number of years ago. The first year Trumpeter Swans were counted on the Cheboygan River was 2012 with 5 counted; this year 28 were counted.

The only winter finches (which are northern irruptive species, only moving south some years) were a single Pine Siskin and 3 Evening Grosbeak. Species that usually migrate further south, but are still in the area include a single Redwing Blackbird, an Eastern Meadowlark, and 4 American Robins.

Thanks to all the people who participated to make this a successful count.

Ed Pike, count compiler

1. Canada Goose - 34
2. Mute Swan               15
3. Trumpeter Swan    28
4. Am. Blk Duck               1
5. Mallard                         417
6. Redhead                          83
7. Lesser Scaup                  1
8. Long-Tailed Duck       51
9. C. Goldeneye                136
10. Hooded Merganser    42
11. C. Merganser              93
12. Red-breasted Merganser       26

Annual Waterbird Extravaganza Report
Friday, November 1 - 8:00 a.m.
Submitted by Bev Kirby

We met at the Mackinaw City Welcome Center at 8 a.m. to be confronted with brutal blustery winds, rain, snow and finally….sun! 17 members and friends of the Straits Area Audubon Society spent the day searching for birds around the lakes. We ended up with 40 species.

Last year it rained all morning and we totaled 34 species, so this year we were ahead of the game.

We visited the water bird counter Aiden Haley, at Graham Point and the Raptor Counter, Calvin Brennan at Point LaBarbe. Wondering what their highlight was for the day, I asked for comments from a couple of birders. Steve said he liked the Snow Bunting that was hopping from post to post at Brevort. Jack said he liked the Trumpeter Swans at St. Ignace. My highlight was the Ruffed Grouse that walked across the road in front of our car and the Northern Pintail near the ferry dock in Mackinaw City.

We had a Yellow-rumped Warbler, Pine Siskin, Dark-eyed Junco, American Tree Sparrow and, a Greater Yellowlegs was also spotted. 20 Species of waterfowl were found including, on the north side of the bridge, two rafts of Redhead Ducks numbering around 1,200. This is always such a fun trip and we want to again thank leaders Ed and Steve for their patience and knowledge.

Participants were Bev and Jack Kirby, Janet Trudeau, Rose Rynerson, John Gannon, Jim and John Bricker, Eowyn Bates, Kelly Davis, Joey Arbaugh, Marilynn Smith, Sandy Dent, Sarah Halverson, Sue Kurtz and Nancy Lyons.